Monday, July 23, 2012

Wanted - Items from home

These are items that we will be using in the classroom later this year.  I wanted to let you know in advance and would appreciate it if  you could save them until we need them.  I will let you know when to send them in!

  • clear 2 liter pop bottles- labels removed, rinse with hot water, NO soap please
  • metal lids from frozen juice concentrate containers

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Welcome 2012 Third Graders

Welcome new families to MG!
This school year promises to be filled with lots of learning! I am excited to meet all the new third graders and their families.  Please email me at school with any questions at any time:
Also, check the district website with your new sign in i.d. to see my webpage and links to student blogs, and district and school calendars.